Lean Management System (LMS) in Grupo Espacio Industrial
Today we talk about the application of the Lean Management System (SGL) in Grupo Espacio Industrial, related to the previous post.
In Grupo Espacio Industrial we use the Lean Management System (LMS) as a working method. Therefore, to achieve business excellence, in terms of cost, quality and results, we have all the people that make up the organization and rely on the appropriate indicators.
The fundamental objective of the Group and, therefore, of the LMS, is the satisfaction of the customer through the delivery of quality products / services, which are those that he requires, when he needs it, in the quantity requested and at the correct price; and all by using the minimum materials, equipment, space, work and time. To achieve this objective, the basic fundamentals are the elimination of the production system of everything that does not add value to the customer; and the greatest use of people’s experience and intelligence, through the versatility and their participation in continuous improvement.
The LMS of Grupo Espacio Industrial aims to ensure the competitiveness and survival of the organization, involving staff in their work tasks to improve their efficiency. It’s not about running more, but about running better.
For this, a series of LMS operating teams have been created, called GAP (Grupo Autónomo de Personas – Autonomous Group of People). We will provide more details about the GAP in the next post.