Keys of the Lean Management System (LMS)
In next posts we will focus on the Lean Management System (LMS), its basic aspects and its application in Grupo Espacio Industrial. Today we will start with its keys.
A Lean Management System (LMS) is based on the continuous improvement of productivity and quality, eliminating unnecessary waste or activities, that is, those that do not add value to the product / service offered or to the processes; and involving the staff.
The Lean Manufacturing methodology adopts the Toyota Productions Systems manufacturing system, launched by the company in the 1960s; which focuses on producing what is needed, to the extent and time it takes; and that is applicable to any sector.
Therefore, there are three fundamental pillars of lean management are:
- add value to the customer,
- reduce waste
- and work with flexible processes.
So, it focuses on minimizing the losses of manufacturing systems and maximizing the creation of value for the end customer, using strictly necessary resources.
For the creation of flow, it focuses on reducing eight types of waste in manufactured products:
- Overproduction.
- Wait time.
- Transportation.
- Excess procedures.
- Inventory.
- Movements.
- Defects.
- Underutilized human potential.
In this sense, the LMS has several tools that aim to achieve the intended reduction of waste, including: 5S, Kanban, VSN, JIT, Poka-Yoke, Kaizen …
Is LMS applied in your company? Please, share your experience with us.